Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 24, 1942, p. 2 (2024)

if v i- y lr c- vtr- kaqb two the tribune stouflfville ontario thursday september 24th 1942 estabsished 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1650 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 20 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments will meet public approval the prompt action of the stouffville municipal council in seizing the first opportunity to secure a settle ment in the thomas williamson will case will we believe meet with popular opinion even though the costs of the village in fighting an expensive action would come- out of the estate no one likes to see money squandered in the law courts where only a few lawyers would get any bene fit the fact that the representatives for the village reach ed a settlement by agreeing to pay to marian coon a granddaughter of thomas williamson 2500 in addition to the 6000 willed her and plus some 500 in law costs to date seemed a human way to settle the matter on the ipart of the granddaughter it was argued that she had a moral right to the inheritance because blood is thicker than water and had it not been for the alleged quarreling between her mother and thos william son the girl might have stood in the best of favor with her grandfather taking this fact into consideration which does not in the least mean that she had any legal claim on her grandfathers estate other than that provided for her of 6000 and add to it the fact that half a dozen law firms quickly rallied to what they considered their right to get something out of the pot the settlement was the best thing to obtain solicitor for the corporation r ii greer and solici tor for the williamson estate f l button both approved of a settlement counsel for mrs edith cook had offered to with draw her case if the corporation would agree to a pay ment of 4000 to her daughter marian coon the council refused to entertain such a sum but said that rather than fight they would agree to the sum of- 2500 and this was the price paid for peace why no cattle embargo gordon j smith writing in the financial post gives the explanation as to why cattle are permitted to be ship ped to the usa when the local housewife has to go short on beef the information is sound and should be under stood by not only the farmer but bythe housewives of canada he says in part in ah article on the business of farming many townsmen cannot understand why the government did not slap an export embargo on beef cattle the instant an adequate domestic supply of beef was threatened the canadian farmers are exporting cattle to the united states at the rate of approximately 200000 head a year and if we have these extra animals going through our own packing houses then housewives would not be facing empty meat counters today but trade and farm experts say the matter is not just as simple as that normally canada needs a substan tial export cattle market in the united states if the indps- try is to remain healthy if it does not remain healthy of course then even sufficient production for domestic needs is invjeopardy for years farmers had such an export mar ket in the united states then lost it through the fantastic tariff structure washington erected after the last war after tedious and delicate negotiating part of that market was gained under cordel hulls liberal tariff pro gramme washington rather reluctantly consented to per mitting the 200000 heads of cattle quota mentioned earlier and squared the deal with the american farmers by point ing out that this import from canada only balanced an agricultural trade in citrus fruits the other way but the american fanner especially in the great mid western feeder states regards this import of can adian cattle as little short of a menace he would probably be delighted to see this trade stopped- and if the canadian governmentit*elf did the job he would have the strongest sort of argument for keeping it stopped after the war when dominion beef raisers will again need every possible ex port for their product independent of hydro the town of bracebridge has written the power controller asking that their town be exempt from the new regulations on street and store lighting that are being im posed over ontario they properly point out that their local plant supplies no war industries and any curtailment in the sale of power would react against the finances of the local power commission in the northern town where bracebridge is fortunate in owning its own power station probably bracebridge could dispose of their surplus pow- er if any to the hepc school holidays announced the ontario department of education announced v the elementary and secondary school holidays for the year j94243they are thanksgiving day remembrance day november 11 december 23 to janary 3 the christmas vacation easter holidays april 23 to may 2 both days m- eluded victoria day may 24 the kings birthday sum- mer vacation june 30 to september 6 both days included less on an example of forgiveness golden text be ye kind one to an other tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christs sake hath forgiven you eph432 approach to the lesion in this graphic depiction of the revelation to his brothren we have foregleam of what will take place when cur lord jesus christ will manifest himself to israel and they will recognize the one they once rejected as their saviour and mess iah realizing then the enormity of their sin as a nation in spurning him when he came to them in lowly grace they will repent in bitterness of soul and as they look upon him whom they had pierced their hearts will go ou ttc him in adoring love as we ponder these closing chapters of genesis we are impress ed with the difficulty josephs bre thren had to understand their exalt ed mothers true feelings towards them they responded but feebly to the grace and compassion that were in his iheart in this way we see an illustration ot how wo ourselves fail to apreclate as we should the loving- kindness of the lord jesus who never changes in his goodness to wards us no matter how we fail to understand and appreciate such grace verse by verse gen 451 joseph could not re frain himself all the deep love of joseph for the brothers who had treated him so unkindly but in whose souls god had wrought re pentance had now reached the place where it could no longer he restrained and so he dismissed all his egyptian attendants while he imade himself known unto his brethren whose amazement and perturbation of spirit can well tie imagined as they looked upon him whom they had sold into slavery now the exalted premier of the greatest dominion then in existence upon the earth verse 2 he wept aloud joseph had ever retained a tender heart he was like paul acts 20il9 and timothy 2 tim 14 and the blessed lord himself who was not ashamed to manifest his tenderest our war effort a weekly review of develop ments on the home front sept 10171942 1 purchase of typewriters by civilians is prohibited on authority of wartime prices and trade- bd 2 hon w d herridge in address to ottawa kiwanis club urges that roosevelt be leader of united nat ions 3 r c a f participates in big raid en dusseldorf 4 prime minister king reviews canadas war effort in national radio broadcast 5 wartime prices and trade bd issues order rendering illegal un authorized use of its name by bus iness concerns 6 effective sept 20 sharp cur tailment of nonessential uses of electricity in power shortage areas of ontario and quebec announced by munitions minister h on c d howe 7 three jr c a f squadrons participate in 100th attack of the war on bremen canadian patrol vessel raccoon presumed lost with all hands on board naval service headquarters announces 9 elliot m little director of national selective service speaks and conducts question and answer period at canadian congress of lab or convention ottawa 10 first chilean minister to can ada dr eduardo grove presents letter of credence to sir lyman duff deputy governor general 11 dieppe casulty totals issued 12 philip murray cio president appeals to canadian congress of la bor convention in ottawa for policy of no strikes during the war 13 power controller symington orders ontario hydro electric pow er commission to reduce load supp lied two companies in thorold ont fighter pilots farewell it was a cold and wintry morning when i waved the folks goodbye for i had- joined the airforce to go and learn to fly i can see my mothers face as she badeher son farewell to fight for good oid freedom and smash de furhrer to hell- a year has passed since then her voice i hear no more but i know her thoughts are with me the im on some other shore her letters bring me all thejnew6 of friends and neighbors near i write her once a week or more for ill always hold her dear from out the sun a jerry came i had no time to tail my pen is silent once and all no reason to bewail i am waiting mother dear i know we shall not fail to meet again in his own house a home a haven just for us business directory years in wihich there shall neither be earing nor harvest the famine was to last as predicted in the interpretation of pharaohs dreams gen 4130 for seven years of which only two had then elapsed verse 7 god sent me before you to preserve and to save your lives the man of faith does not emotions by weeping when his heart look at second causes he traces was deeply moved the closer one everything back to god without walks with god the more tender whose direct or else permissive will will be his spirit nothing that seems hurtful could verse 3 i am joseph these come to pass and whatever the startling words must have stirred circ*mstancesthe child of god may his brothers hearts to their depths be called upon to endure all must and awakened many bitter memor ies we are told they were troubled at his presence but that was be cause they did not know how grac ious and forgiving he was verse 4 joseph said come near to me i pray you he longed to have them confide in him even how does our lord jesus desire that we draw near to him in full assur ance of faith hebt 1022 verse 5 god did send me be fore you to preserve life joseph recognized the overruling hand of god who workcth all things accord ing to the counsel of his own will eph 111 and who though he is not the author of sin will yet cause all sin to serve in some way for he makes the wrath of man to praise him and restrains what would not workout for his glorycpsa 7g10 work for good eventually irom 828 in this instance god- had overruled the sin of the unnatural brothers for their own preservation and that of their families verse 8 not you but god josephs clear understanding of the ways ot tho lord enabled him to recognize the hand of an overruling providence in all that had taken place hence he had no resentment against his brethren evil as their attitude toward him had been verse 9 thus saith thy son joseph come down unto me tarry riot the message joseph com manded his brethren to carry to his aged father would seem at first un believable but in the end would demonstrate in a wonderful way the faithfulness of god verses 10 and 11 in the land verse 6 yet there are five of goshen will i nourish thee besm tsl issl you have the right number consult the directory thus was the longlost son mourn ed for years as dead to become tho savior of all the family and the sustalner ot his father in his clos ing days verse 12 your eyes see that it is my mouth that speakoth unto you the evidence is com- jplete joseph lived and stood before them dispensing mercy instead of wellmerited judgment so shall it be whon the lord jesus appears to israel verse 13 haste and bring down my father hither no time was to be lost in carrying the good news to jacob and bringing him and the rest of tho family to egypt where all would be under josephs fostering care verso 14 he fell upon his brother benjamins leek and wept while acting in love toward them all there was a peculiar tie between these two full brothers and besides benjamin had participated in the sin of the others when joseph was sold and the father deceived verse 15 he kissed all his brothers and wept upon them there was no trace- ol rcsentfent in joseph his heart went out in bro therly love to them all and he could not restrain the tears as he mani fested the grace of his heart toward them freed from fear and distrust they now talked with him and made all necessary preparations for the journey to palestine and back to goshen chap 4711 joseph placed his father and his brethren in the best of the land when the patri arch and his sons and their wives had been presented to pharaoh they were by his express command giv en the choicest part of the egyptian delta as a place for their settle ment and for pasturage for their flocks and herds verse 12 joseph nourished all his fathers household thus had god wrought to fulfill his pur pose in order that israel might dwell in egypt until the iniquity of the amorites should become full gen 1516 and tho time come for their return as a nation to the land of promise tile heart of the lesson it is one of tho marks or the truly regenerated and spiritled man that he dees not harbor resentment nor seek revenge upon those who have wronged him by recoznizing the facts that god is the allwise and allloving he realizes that nothing can come to any of his children but what his wisdom will turn to good and his love change to blessing this is exemplified most remark ably in the history of joseph sure ly if ever a man might have been expected to cherish a desire for re tributive justice on those who had so wronged him it was joseph but he knew god too well to give way to such base passions he found his joy in overcoming evil with good on the other hand he did not gloss over his brethrens sin but when they acknowledged their guilt he freely and gladly forgave such should ever be our attitude toward any who slir against us dental e s barker ljxs djs honor graduate ot royal ooues of dental surgeon and of tfca university of toronto office in grnhina block phone 274 wartham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mas phone 19 coroner for york oouaty insurance thomas bbrkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffvills h o klinck stouffville ont phone 336t tor your insurance needs la fire life automobile burgla- and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance ce -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence paost 10 3614 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pabtfe 0 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc port psrrr tjxbrldge ontario phone is office phone elgin 7021 residence phone kingdale 7xk samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street w toronto clear telephone lilies for allout production your telephone part of a vast interlocking system now carrying an abnormal wartime load dont let needles delays hold up messages on which production efficiency may depend ler wartmeteuph0ne tactics speak distinctly directly into the mouthpiece lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock brierbush hospital government licensed main street bast stonffvflh maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 1m a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffrids monday wednesday tc fridays to 12 am- r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone mdrkhan 9000 a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 tears experience york county uxbridge and picker- tt ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address qormley po clarke prentice phone agincourt 02 ws millfkea licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for oorpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea- sou ble rates le oneill stpuffvnxb funerali nmector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone v-9- k2s j-tfeimiriwvcir- wfe i



Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 24, 1942, p. 2 (2024)
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