The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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28 Help Wanted emale 21 Help Wanted Salesmen Sohio EnfjalSynt'BMu Nns lr' bt i Ykf irrfMiiri'i' ihrw Wv 5x: INTERIOR DECORATOR DESIGNER if Pages to 23 of' Cleveland largest Turn to them for selected 1 20 Help Male De Ediphone Operator dll In or PART TIME Tinsmiths Machinists BOOKKEEPER ASST BUYER Gray Career Girls Beginners Assistant THE MAY CO DECORATOR DESIGNER of Cleveland' large! ULL TIME Men man over 18 at To ill 1RXMAN eneinr euurae 1 2532 ADVERTISING I ADVERTISING PRODUCTION 11 th flaw eaptammt a i i traggmgMMgragfltU SERVICE STATION PILOT PLANT ASSISTANTS Excellent Opening or Experienced ormer business women who have been busy raising fam ilies Also working girls de siring change and beginners who are now commercial Seniors in High School Due to expansion we are enlarg ing our staff and have this to offer If so we have an as sistant buyer position open in our Budget Sportswear Do you want an op portunity to (bc an as sistant buyer in a very active interesting fash ion department? Experience preferred or will train qualified person 21 Help Wanted Salesmen (Continued rom Preceding Column) CLERKS TYPISTS STENOGRAPHERS JR UNDERWRITERS Auto Title CLERK ACCOUNTING CLERK Would You Like to Sell? Stone Buick Would Like to Hire ACCOUNTING CLERKS 26 Help Wanted emalp (Continued rom Preceding Column) Qualified high school grad uates to work in our yard depaitment build your sen iority where it will count most Hourly rate Invites yourapplication for REINERY WORK Excellent Opening or ExperiencedINTERIOR Vending Machines Steady work never out of a job for the right man good references Apply 10217 Superior Ave after 9:30 A ord Motor Co ENGINE and OUNDRY DIVISION 17601 Brookp Rd Has immediate opening in the following skilled trade Advertisem*nts will be found on Apply in person at employ ment office on Engel Rd south of Brookpark Rd Of fice hour 8 a to 4:30 Monday through ri day All Store Benefits Apply Personnel Office SELL PRE ABRICATED HOMES TO BUILDER DEALERS One of most successful man ufacturer of quality pre fabricated home seeks a capable aggressive sale representative Our modern redwood home of panel post and beam con struction are sold exclusively throughelected builder dealer who receive itronx home office support Complete line many model $16000 to $40000 The line I well advertised and has been featured frequently In national majazlnra Experience in this field I not essential but can be help ful A good than can earn an excellent commission Income Write fully in confidence In first letter Interview will be arranged Addrrw Mef ferd Vice President Modular Home inc Kirkwood 22 Mo Pnannel Dept Room 306 9ih nd Pfopt The Cleveland Trust Company Machine Repairmen Must Be Journeymen With Industrial Experience Good starting rates oppor tunity to increase earnings based on merit and ability Substantial cost of living al lowance and shift premium Hospitalization group insur ance other fringe benefits Employment Office Open Monday through riday 8 AM to 4 :30 PM 555 Northfield Rd Walton Hills Bedford Evenings in Brooklyn Parma Area APPLY ACCOUNTING CLERK Openings In sccounfing department of nation! manufacturer: permanent po sition salary and employ benefit PR 1 On decorating tudio Send reaume including refer enee and xperinci to Box 16157 Plain Dealer tiro nil an nrrnR uunnriu nlty for a person with some account in experience knowled of leded entry postin and cash receipt would be an advantage: willing to train a nereon who enjoy detail work with figure Many benefit Including dis count on merchandise and REE in surance Apply In person Gray Drug Stores Inc 3400 Superior ADDRESSOCRAPH OPERATORMrlmcrt tn operatsen ft ULL TIME and NATIONAL ORG WILL ADD 6 WOMEN AT ONCE TO THEIR PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPT LEADS URNISHED POSITIVELY NO HOUSE TO HOUSE CANVASING MUST BE ABLE TO WORK DILI GENTLY 5 HOURS DAILY 5 DAYS WEEKLY SHOULD EARN AT LEAST $75 WEEKLY TO START HAVE OWN CAR: EXPERIENCED NOT NEC ESSARY WE TRAIN OR INTER VIEW WRITE BOX 9758 PLAIN DEALER GIVING ULL QUALIICA TIONS PHONE NUMBER AND AD DRESS Young high school graduates to work with our chemists and engineers on uel velopmcnt Projects A Liberal Retirement Numcroua Benefit Reference Investigated Apply Personnel Dept Room 703 Peronnrl prtm nt 9th and EUCLID Euclid Beach park as operatori tahry Sea MR JOHNSTON 12:15 PMSat and Sun Main Office Bookkeeper Trainee Will employ June Graduate now Muri have ome knowledge of comptometer LAUB BAKING CO 4909 LORAIN AVE Bookkeeping' Machine Operators If inexperienced will TRAIN you for a poiition in one of our 63 CLEVELAND TRUST community banki A Job With A Challenge Congenial Auociatei Active Social and Educational Program Ccnd Starting Salary Apply at Your Nlthborlool CLEVELAND TRUST BANK Sohio 3083 Broadway DEPARTMENT Yount lady Io wotk in advr tiing prtfn ntt typing nd Mina (hotlhand Excllnt op portunity 5 fhyi Salary Mainline of Cleveland EX 1 1800 One decorating studio Send resume including refer ence and experience to Box 15157 Plain Dealer for th man who can qualify Want to con Met a man who la underpaid In hi present field or who is Hmirad by reiilng or deadend Jch Thia la a lifetime portion la a ptrountnt business Call CH 1 2257 and lor Mr Hili Moral Turalrrat 4n totwran 0:30 11 Bank Bookkeepers ny roil to InvMlltt th tin ppportmltlM which Include cellenl vorklnr condition end hour Urttox rMeo: either perienced or qualified trainees mayPMr: eMrr commmrant with penence UNION COMMERCE BANK Royal Liverpool 1 1 th loor Willi mon Bldg MA 1 9565 BOOKKEEPER: Westlake firm need experienced girl for varied duties un thru trial balance Air conditioned office in suburb with good pay plus extra benefits Including fully paid Blue Cross Hospitalization rnakea th' an attractive opening for West Sid girl with own car Call TR 1 1697 ederal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 6 and Superior Mail Clerk AUTO INANCE tnt mtlnr nt ye rut ltk'n tin Mpwtiuutr tor row hdr IB IS with eieStte tretnrwnnf OMO BAhY 'ini': wotkint tonal Mlrr mw fA commercial art to learn Keyline nd paste up work In our sales promotion department High school course In mechanical drawing or course In com mercial art desirable Good starting salary with Increase on a merit basis Premier Autoware 4415 Euclid EX 1 83 0 0 ARTIST JEWELRY DESIGNERS: One of Cleveland's leading Jewelers desire service of young lady to assist In Jewelry design department some sales Box 3759 Plain Dealer ORD MOTOR CO Cleveland Stamping Plant has opening for: Industrial Truck Mechanics Electricians ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER General office typing 40 hr wk Ex cellent opportunity downtown loca tion Ask for Mr Bucaro TO 1 0130 ACTORY REPRESENTATIVE Midwestern manufacturer of nationally advertised line of personal leather food needs a young aggressive rep resentative for Cleveland and north eastern Ohio territory Retail or whole sale selling experience desirable Com mission with substantia! draw Write Box 30853 Plain Dealer I have a fin position to offer HIGH GRADS EXPERIENCED MAN out of the selling field or executlv troop Th position carries a very SUBSTANTIAL INCOME PERMANENT eprrtnrM in n4 wi ert Nilin n4 Iltl nrk rwraMr pltunt owntown toriMi: Mlnniton pUn Iniuruc Ate hi puillutlon tonHU Ohio Motors Co 18 St and Euclid IBANK POSITIONS Experienced or Inexperienced you like to work with friendly people in pleasant surroundings do come in and talk with us Bookkeeping Operators Excellent opportunity for for mer bookkeepers with family responsibilities Working hours determined by your production and accuracy Start 8 a Leave aj soon as job assignment is com pleted 5 day work week Good salary Low cost employee cafeteria Many employee benefits We 'nred top grade young chemist pharmacists and bacteriologists for production control laboratory Op portunity to learn and use latest instrumental methods Advance ment open Into methods develop ment and supervision In addition to broad coverage of personal bene fits we will provide financial help for further education Philadelphia location Submit your complete qualification BOX 13760 PLAIN DEALER Artist Trainee Keyline and Paite Up: Unusual Opportunity person with definite Interest ppparniAity for hms UureiM In freeing mrierJsl stsMepher plw many ptose HiMtiA AppU The Halle Bros DIRECTORY SALESMEN Exceptional adrerttstnf opportuni ties in city directory business Pre fentin a challenge to crow in Incomend suu me responsibility Expected earning on commissions $7500 to $30000 Must travel Send complete return end expected earning to Mullia Klil Company Box 469 Chilli cothe Ohio Bookkeeper Secretary Experienced East Side 1 A girl office Excellent op portunity for th right girl Phone for appointment A 1 0615 Advertising Swlrildy fjfrvwaed weelrtv Rfwtpsper vmamnl pmijma wuh 4weala7 rtWMUldefl eprrertUhHr qnslifiNl jndivMul Mr Hsvk AC I M00 for APPiMOUMBU ASSISTANT to Chlrepodlit! Expert etre not necessary Apply 411 13 1010 Euclid Bldg fter 6 HUE CLERK TYPIST Ac 33 no 35 pleasant working eon dltlWi: 6 dy week salary ETTER RVR1NEM BUREAU $45 Hann Bldg ASSISTANT MANAGER HOBPTTAL CAETERIA modem conditioned eentrel facility: pleasant public contact food experience not required hllltjr th lupervire oppor tunity for intelligent homemaker who wishes full time employment must bo able tn work alternating weekend Apply Personnel Director ML Slnsl I'Mpi'al l00 103 AW 6 6000 Inexperienced young women an opportunity to: Earn While You Learn Millwrights Maintenance Welders Quick Action! A4WHIMM WM ItollM (14 MU Hit fineurtn rwr et i nMiiw i Th luirr ih nntti th tow rr th NM4m NW I tot tot unnt IU4 II WMllM hNt nnl to ratii Um toe RMhltl Plain Dealer Want Adi Twtllfht hltt: 3:30 to 1 1:30 33 S5 years of age Must hare driver license Good salary 6 day 40 hour BOOKKEEPER Experienced In payable or receivable Opportunity to become proficient hand posting 5 day week East side nea Woodhill snd Buckeye sw 1 3737 ASSEMBLY Young woman for Venetian blind sembly Experience preferred THE MINTZ CO 12435 Euclid Ave 2nd loor 9 Itrer evperinc preferred Apply NsfltO'C'Wwror IMJ0 Pup rim RAKEMseriiunt fitna refeuna 40 fore Cf Pl 1 30 i 30 or 3Q 4 lo RAHMAtfl Wrt lira rS Toil to rwimd in torwa AINT a ALUM AN OHIO tnnon wo to MpwMnri producer RttaMlthM at iuiI ith UlltollMI MW blMlMM POt ntll No tothni on Mnilnn Ctonmtuton Mutt hivt nr Qu lined optical 111 to rlwn pmtBll Inirnirw Gl rompl1 hiiior AU lafonMim na ntonttat AMrm HAPMNO TCN Gmril MIh Mner ARM RTRONG PAINT A VARN1MI WORXR INC 1310 I Kiltovni Chkuo 33 lllinot INXTITUTIONAL OOO ALXSMAN: wmM is tomwt aiionMIr known nnutietorrr trll airwt to boon hoipiil Ktrel ttoiMruiti Into te Rimlttr lorri Jwtr now mm tp to 300 ktp 0 eomnlaion wtodul tono nwra In dtall to DUNCAN ItiNKS DtVh MON art Inc air Jrttmno Chic to 0 III MAK murh 11000 month with iMitnr "noHNhn" pton Cm miuOon Ciutnnrn Kil th ovU" on tnr rwii niiicv rau uruu ic No wiring Hang wall Ilk picture Goeo off al riigfiteri dang of fire tre Sale KU MERL1TE fALARM niVL 114 to 334 It Dept I3W New YoH MM WrVMt I JO to Vr ft your convenience Central National Bank Will be open Monday May 6th 8:30 a to 8 for inter viewing and accepting applications PpIy Personnel Department Room 600 Midland Bldg 123 Prospect Work where friendly JUNE GRADUATE? Become Bookkeeping Machine Operator Wn Hut Poitinn Open In Our Accounting Dept or a Girl with Som Ekprienc On an NCR Machin Aho Som Accounting Theory Would Be Helpful or th Right Gin Wa Have a Prrninent with Good SIry And Excellent Workjna Condition If you ar intereted in wht have to offer would be fld to have you' (top it for an interview with Mr Weimr Salary to $275 4 The Ryan Corp 3721 Euclid A 2d loor Arena Bldg EN 1 2200 BEAUTICIAN BALARV AND COMMtMON BEAUTICIAN txntRtrNctDi Do ntna iir condt urawf Camilla auu ftlen 3 CMjnl1 litMr MA er full tin: llrlrhn vp nvlwni tol ar ana cranmlMinn: OK 1 3Tllr LA 4 2333 BAUTlciAN toe mnirerNi li7 top cUmii: aiun prt aer aur Nwrto t' lto SK i lloo to i vna btAtfri'dlAN aart tttn: wifflt wormi on4l Umm nr wnmiMiMa AUTtftAN a 4i wNleai Hlry Wrt nan plupK iton 1341 ftjer TV 3 CAUTIcfAN: CperlMK atrl ilai er ve iton ten liry n4 auuiMi rutwr Mvr (Ma ir CWMIilionH WV 141IO I I di warn Wil eeirmiulen Ar Rwk Rlwjir CL 3t ia aLAUTldt A toll Xr ttort urn: aalary: to nmlnra jiauadO Bnatr Rwn Clt 30 ftAimCIANi' EanerinmiraiAri plui p14 rt tu teru aw nr 11114 It na newer IV NKAUnctAN 'rMrlmceC: ftill fTpirl tin Carfi14 Klehia arm vifimOtoijiiJd bKMfflClAN riw'atoaipeMat" a nnkurinr Mr JWtphWA lltt anAUTIClAN anfVrM ati tab to on i tm Business Machine Operator! Train at ull Salary with NATIONAL CITY BANK a really MODERN ca reer kill that AL WAYS in demand Learn on IBM Burroughs Book keeping or similar standard equipment Opportunitie for typiat too (Join the lueky "Early "nd start RIGHT AWAY after school part time!) Interviews any day after school or SATURDAY MAY 11th 8:30 12 Noon rrosoNNKL Dtrr tit rueiw Ave 34 rtoor Buyer Boat rttkU xprteoc dalrxbl Ah Trainee Expansion program offr gplvn did opportunity fog young Om an to trtined la mtrcLsn diring Apply employment office floor Administration and Clreicri ull or Part Time Housewives WITH CAR OR OHIO Sen laces embroMeriN sn4 trim mints Eipensac uecusuy Stroof lift HIRSCHBERG SCHUTZ CO INC 26S 276 ourth Avenu New Tor 1 SIDKLINI SALESMAN now srllln ulenr machines aceountlnt mcaum diet tin machine CupllctUnt ma chines or allied lines to sell nor yoounn revolutionary ww pre uaem bled csrton lnterleavrd correspond enro sets that cut oermpmenco costs mor than no and have sined naUon wid eenpltnee man lrerit corpora Uotu Substontul eonmuslon nte: Item repeat rr ulrly Sinclair Mani fold Products S3 Naiaau Avenue Bronkln 33 New York SALESMAN Ml eemptrt line nt ladle ace sanrtes tolls mms tondkerchlsts nsekvear nmslt jewelry inlanta" wear andor Irora our trlmmlnr department la es erabrolderlw ntooo and buttons Ki nerwneezneemary Cotamlaaton tom or State or Ohio Civs lull dctaila la first letter BROOKSIDE MC CORP I nf 31 40 snd willing to work 8 hours urr anv inr electrical unit company established 39 yean ago which is announcing a new expansion nroeram WE WILL GUARANTEE YOU A YEAR AROUND JOB WITH NO LAYOS You will relectM for your part through a proven successful JOB APTITUDE TEST Which will tell you and us you ar ulubl for nur many positions which must tilled IMSfEDUTELY Do not apply uni re i you can ifirt your training Immediately which will be at our exptns We will that your minimum riming will $100 A WEEK As a very minimum to itert and you team our work your income wiU increased to $13570 per week or Interview Aoplv HOLLENDEN HOTEL Hour I Monday 6:30 only No Ptoiu call accepted 10 GOOD JOBS OR 10 GOOD MEN This is our first advertisem*nt for 10 aaieonen and hop io good men will answer this to fill 10 goM job It matter what your oast work ha been If you can qualify All a that yoq to willing to study and learn aa you will be taught our work You will selected through a Job Aptitude Test Which will tell whether you poteet th fondamaotal ability neceesary fr lucres in our 100 yrar old busi ness you win enjoy taking this test It is free and upon completion you will be given an Interview Age under 40 EARNBCS TO START $96 $144 Per Week toe are slnrere rim rpt amblttons and Ulins to wwk and can alart Immediate! Apply Monday May 6lV 10 a to 12 and I to 4 Only Room 718 The Arcade 401 Euclid Ave (Use Bupreier ride time hat Muai 4l with rirety Aakl etiwrir raifihu hut win lMb Wmam ted A Galas rit dsIM 240 bmmll Avs Riaal 3 Minn RUMINENT manutirturer jniarioa mrew ana eirestor Ings require service of Miremao to Ohio and adjarent tutes Ml ary commurioa npusu car Mere Mtn muri bo willing (o travel: itat MS tecksnral ktorltou totoMnal I 33asj Ham Dea! IIV Ma'i Iwk Tokatf tstail Mnr aalltof rmtotow pratrrM Ml ana tomaiasHM car tomiahrd etoto mhi Wins as and aaaiili roilsna pton rmtor i Thn JfW alla Ohto tilSNd ntodid Invsntivsi 10 tollam eo 310000 Comirtomo Na tlanal mtan r4uu Taottor am rm 110004 Gmto ton Nato ad tnvMiu NaimuU Ctonpan Dvtatla tnt Wry rt i il crru moo co iota om Drava Cola ADVKRTimtof towiaitia CatoMarai Pmnia MOO 1133 aM tetont pit train line rm ua na 4 namtos ramjatod Qth a Wall 033 Adams Chicsm kARNaa'ia wciT m(1wum linuani an mllMlhf ar Jntoatmml roqaimt Mrlminllisn Oto laaTKsaaa II Missouri Ort aLVMtriUM WINDOW to dip trikvitam an4 Onidcm OTOO (CoaUaaad la heal Cla a) OWN YOUR OWN MURAL BUSINESS booking larcIe orders now on SENSATIONAL ULL COLOR MURAL LINE AVAILABLE IN 3 SIZES: 68x 174x3814" AND 174x74" WIDE SELECTION SUBJECTS GOLD BLATT BROS IN CHICAGO MACY IN NEW YORK CITY AND OTHER LEADING RETAILERS ARE RUN NING ULL PAGE ADS WITH OUR ASSISTANCE IN LEADING NEWS PAPERS THROUGHOUT THE COUN TRY YOUR EARNINGS CAN RUN TO JI 000 PER WEEK COMMISSION ALL SAMPLES ALD QUANTITIES COPIES ACTUAL NEWSPAPER ADS URNISHED TO YOU REE TO ASSIST YOU IN SELLING WE CARRY AND COLLECT YOUR AC COUNTS DOW DRAMA MURALS TOR HOMES AND OITCES ARE A AD THAT IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY YOULL IN QUANTITIES TO RETAIL OUTLETS WHO CAN ADVERTISE UP TO 64 4 SAVINGS TO CONSUM ERS HIGHEST QUALITY MURALS AT LOWEST SENSATIONAL PRICES THAT SELL TO MEET MASS DE MAND PROVEN TO BE BIG TRA IC AND PROIT NUMBER TO DE PARTMENT STORES AND OTHER RETAIL OUTLETS LOUIS DOW CO 840 MICHI GAN AVE CHICAGO 11 ILL DISTRICT SALES MANAGER Stark Nurverlr A Orcharda Co of th' world lamouv DELICIOUS apple and dole heir to all ot Luther Burbank's horticultural creatlona have Immediate lull time openlnr tnr married man between 3S SO who Is a proven leader and has had experience In direct aelUna or xanlrlnr training and sunervlsinr nt Mlespple Unlimited hlh earnings starting immediately: year around pleasant and dignified work We have a new and modem up to date selling elan and prefer men with experience i Insurance books magaxlnn elec trical appliances roofing elding auto mobiles real estate brushes etc We will train you In the Held and show you excellent earnings No previous experience In our business required Good car necessary Our opening con sists of a new permanent position with continued repeat business from satis fied customers based upon our 140 Sers' experience In the business and eked by nation wide advertlalne To the right man we offer a lifetime career aa top field executive Don't mlsa thia opportunity Write stating full details to our Div Mgr A Bacharach 207 Worcester Detroit 3 Mich 26 Hilp Wintad am ill Accountant1! Auutant 28 Hal Wantad emala (Cwntinod rom Preceding Column)jAijwStewar4ess Eastern Airlines 'Conducting interview on Th ura and ri May 9 and 10 See advertisem*nt in Section Sunday May 5 for details or con tact Mr A Ruppert at Eastern Airlines 1 1 05 Chester Ave MAY 10 10 A 3 8 ACCOUNTING CLERK Permanent opportunity for mature lady in accounting department Experience In disbursem*nt reports payroll Reconcile bank statements: file: type Age to 45 Pleasant alr conditloned offices Con venient transportation Near down town section Good compensation 5 day week Apply tn person Arthur McKee Co 3300 Chreter Ave On of our client is seeking an experienced Saks Repre sentative to cover North Cen tral States for long established metal parts mfr engineering tooling production andor as embty all types Plant locat ed East Coast Salary 4 com mission open commensurat with experience In this line Box 576 300 West 4 3 SL New York 36 Progressive Cosmetic company with Urge national distribution ba open ing for man 34 to 45 who likes toell Sales experience essential Most fre to travel and cover Michigan western part of Ohio and part of Kentucky and Indian Will ha benefit of national advertising and established market In variety store field plu up to dat sale tools and careful training Write Herman Gold enberg 636 Keystone Avenue Lincolnwood 30 Illinois Give name address and phone number and resume of your background You will shortly be contacted for a personal interview 20 Help Mjla tiJX No raiment required? Mead suii INAHTT wHgJnr south now Wt aX moTi nil wrA fonre 6hJteh and scbaol a part ufacturing hnteaTer PTt MUM Qr MkJlgnMlM (0 'voirsr! wrwar un yir ore i wnn cterty mhi exnetiev sip Write Rev moiminKwi wresre Good Salary and Hour (ull time 8:45 4:30) (Part time any 6 hour to convenienco) 5 day weekly in a modern office located centrally at Public Square with transportation to al! point Paid holideya and cations to both part time and full time employ All other benefit Afe to 50 Analytical Chemist Position offers opportunity In Instru mental analysts in research labora tory Requires bachelors degre In chemistry Previous Instrumental ex Rerlence not necessary Salary 37 our week Many employes benefits THE HARSHAW CHEMICAL CO 1945 97 St RA 1 8300 CHEMISTS Ambitious Young Men Desirous of entering the sale field this is your opportunity to Join a llve wlr organization where you will be paid a guarantee during your train ing period Special consideration to men Jiving In Solon Twinsburg Macedonia Bedford and Maple Heights If you have automotive ex perienca pply Salary and commission 8e Mr Stone or Mr Schue! any day 10 till 4 Stone Buick 250 Broadway Bedford BE 2 4400 Men ed 9 Now ull Time No Experience Neceiiary $100 Per Week To Start or Interview Call CH 1 0649 IOVA to 4 Only POSITION AVAILABLE woM'ito era laia 13 4iat jttojrcvk a if tn mkin mow inMUIn ih hyitona el ftofUlonl onnoriLOltlv In mn' CimdlTVNITV MAGAXINK toml new ter Air ro toUuirl Tli tout itoi'r rw nPOtlTVNtTY Ctumto 10 tthnm WILL yn'towlie win Mutton oil tolbovt en I'ani int tle te thm frtM Yto cea nuk up to 10 In a 4 even In Mrr lu entout riBHn'rt Oran re'wimi ttop Itorrmn Mnu it owi kJ air cimu m4 13 toto n4 wemai verk bton aitoiuto inifto: av 41 beer tw4l to ne mtoTMto ttodroa AT awelntBint Eann met inr tn mu tto rvM 'h til few Pwr mn tom Mrklnt IblMtol wblto All mto nn4r euntiwt to rl acvni vrinn unl'mltM Ito tail Hain 1121' HAiU nKrnkxxNTATtvcs it noo rm lirt ttoteie Yn'in nitM Mtt ton rn him toltor nr nraeorartr riuttv rrtlra toll into nrolMat Mer 30443 Hin plr WANTED faUtregfl rail IM rabber MTfisHe fMat IrM aril mi Hob Tt 43303 With payroll and payment of mnlre experience Mayfield Heights area Steady position Salary New York Bakery HI 2 7101 BOOKKEEPERS Hand or Machine A Right Right Location I 114 Rm 511 14147 Euclid 9:30 3 1 BARMAID Experienced Night Union wag Good working condi tion Main Street 771 5 Euclid Ave BAR MAID PH it to a evw 31: no promry nrovrT fall CocMUI torA 4 aaaa BARMAID: 0 nitht wrk Run off oar or ultrr Cll ttowron II m4 a 13040 Madlmi LAl 43 BAR MAID: Blrr: dx or nirnti BARMAID: Ckot'a Lovato 33T iseih lMQy Barmaid: Bitbta: iitod Joe Aauto Hollo Br 1016 rmprrt txtorirncto Coll MU i aeto tir 3 am ik tor Bill a KM A I Mlrilr Orxndt' n4 4 Mlry VU 3 1030 Bcautician Manilcuriat end Tint Girl Mutt to HMrimeed' tocellnt lry Rlu P1MI vcHon U'lUlun A Alfrrt ir Drwwr 1313 CMr A 10333 oil tV 3 OatT ClEVnAND PLAIN DEALLt trtito SUNDAY MAY 5 H57 1 28 Help WinUd BEAUTICIANS ull or part time: guarantee raJary plus commission Rltx Permanent Ing Co 234 The Arcade BEAUTY OPERATOR" Experienced 5 day week: stendyvrB Uam'S Beauty Salon 2 1272 Lorain XtL BEAUTY OPERATOR: xporlWired only Also Shampoo GlrL Steady work 146 Old Arcade BEAUTY operator: Experienced poolng and manicuring Mr Joseph WA 1 1 544 BEAUTY operator experienced WI 1 818 1 BOOKKEEPER have an opening for a bookkeeper in our acct re a adv department Must have some knowledge of bookkeep ing and adaptable to figures and use of adding machine 40 hour per week 3 weelc vacation after one year em ployment other benefits sal ary Cleveland Plain Dealer 1 8 and Superior mezza nine floor 5 Apply in person morninga 9 to II afternoon I to 5 Ask for Mr Kwait Our expansion 1 vour gain! If ou are experienced In any of these jobs or a high school graduate who can oe rraineu van tor inenaiy cussion to see if you qualify Security OnnortunitV Pleasant Surrounding Good Pay 5 Day Week Outstanding Benefits Offered Qualified Women CH 1 0410 ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO MEN ONLY IRST CLASS Wc want boys Th nn wnt til NOT knock Boon Uir will NOT wk wrr 3 lioun pa itf Th toll SOT'em thin 3300 pa Ulr lNb ALY 4963 35 ST 1 1 A SHARP tin ul 3 bb tar mMrwr to nM tat IM toUi work boar pu 5 Put Time rMSfi i tr citelii MHuhr 1 lfltMlMnl atotoxi M4 ure rrmanvne ran iraa tun MkUAt hfttrft aa a4 at fTtrnniNV worm APT' Monday May 6 al a Mhar time WARD INDUS! RIES CORP bi rm At mabKiuJ iitN tr nal ihpMrtox mr rM ntn: 3133: ontxtal hito rahtol rut: ll Of in n3 Jtoln Bnw mTomimr ral ru S4 wk mukr Iwt roto Mt nmtonl mmuoh with iwuto firn brwi nl nMur hoh Mr Mtirar W1 0HT lr wth MtWMUMI or tmrrrlto National Sales Poiition 3700 MlM tnB IMUI hl MlUn Ihirrtuni irtinkl Rrratort in th BHIMftKUM ll tafc aurrr to toent nuto imprrinL If rou erra'iw liint Hlr tow inwitomjei of htotr oitn totvra Call TR lkOT YOUNG num lartto dalina manarw and knonlto ft alomoiir Mrt MW arntt law orwtoiw if Mr4 CtolMJ Jatk Bofk 1 oral 4 gal ft 3011 fairtH ON ltoou uRnTturb tftvnl Mtoa roon mmi tM iniMNlliiuu Boll IB ton Mutl tollltn to Itoiy Nk araf 1 1 1 Ti Lorain Ar AhT TlM riuiMin: altowanro to Mnoto aail uH euiitoian arrrloto vt i JtH na iana MAN for Mil rnal fWRL ft fliofnl Bran 310 rran Wiaral Itoaw 1304 ItaClM Ola 1 3101 TALENTED SALESMEN Erm sew line of sculptured candled We want a man with loyal follow ing of dept rims gift and deco rator shops to represent the newest fut seillng line of medium and popular priced candle (to retail st $295 to $695) You must proven volume producer who live and work in his own territory Available territory: Ohio Kentucky Allied line permiasable Glv full derail In first letter plreje Box 7848 Plain Dreler SALESMEN CALLING ALL ULLER BRUSH MEN CLUB ALUMINUM ENCYCLO PEDIA AND OTHER DOOR TO DOOR SALESMEN: INVESTIGATE A JOB SELLING AUTOMOBILES WITH EX CEPTIONALLY HIGH EARNING TENT1AL OUR COMPENSATION ILAN CAN EASILY DOUBLE VOUR PRESENT EAPNINCS WE WILL TRAIN YOU SEE MR DORSEY LN PERSON TOR DETAILS HARMON PONTIAC INC 3077 MAYIELD RD AT LES SALESMAN 20 Httlp Wanted Male DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN) (MAYBE YOU) looking for young men who have that little something extra on the ball or one thing he ha a pleas ant personality and liket to meet and talk to people Also unusually bright and to work for what he wants Most of all unusually ambitious want to get started right now on hi big job and the big money We figure he's somewhere between 21 and 45 and fcis present job is selling selling vacuum cleaners or books or milk or but selling something When we find him we want to offer hi unusual young man a most unusual job A job as hew car salesman with Spitzer ord even though he never sold auto mobile before A job challenging and selling an excit ing product that is highly salable and that come out in a brand new model every year A job that allow you to build a olid clientele that will stay with you year after year A job that will give you free training the use of a new ord and free access to tome excellent leads A job that offer rapid ad vancement in a nationwide dealer organization where you can earn from $550 to 1550 per month Taka a good look in the mir ror Do you see what we mean? If apply in person for in terview SPITZER ORD INC 1950 I05THST Busines with Spitzer i like having a friend at the factory" BILLING or MIUnt wt s'retrtt fvNrft Xpert trofinra preferred 40 Mut ere rirady pnriUa Net Th Cleveland Trencher J6166 fit Clslf 1 KeU4 ea Kral rari Salesmen If 9iti iW eiiWiftfe less than $6000 per year thert I want to talk to You Otir Clewland representatives with 1 yrer's service or more averaged $9200 nlus during 2956 If you have the following qualification you owe It to yourself and your family to contact me immediately Age 25 48 Hard Worker Ambitious Believe in Sale Training Own Car If you 4rsnt to become associated with a 60 year old firm who are the leaders in their field then this is your opportunity Meet and talk with men who were earning your present income and who In 3short years or less enjoyed all that goes with a 5 figure income WHAT IS THE WORK? Helping Cleveland Businessmen Hold and Increase Customers Brown Bigelow The most successful and respected firm of its kind What Can I Earn My irst Year? $6000 to $7000WHAT ABOUT RINGE BENEITS? Bonus of of year earning Hospitalization and insurance Sales prizes HOW CAN I OBTAIN COMPLETE DETAILS? Call Write or Wire Brabeck Jr Sales Mgr MA 1 9474 Hanna Bldg for appolntmen for Interview UNUSUAL EDUCATIONAL SALES OPPORTUNITY $125 WEEKLY GUARANTEED TO START One of oldest recognized home study schools rated AAA 1 and an accredited member of the National Home Study Council ha an opening in the Cleveland ares for a high calibre representative Unusual vaca tion and bonus plan 1 Men in the following categories are most successful and have been earn ing $1000 per month and more: Men who are between 30 and 45 Men who have sold successfully cookware Insurance books elec tric appliances magazines or suto moblles but want larger income! and a permanent future Men successful with others but whose incomes are limited Men with ambition to advance but whose company does not have the potential If you have had selling experience and would like to et Into the big demand educational field write me In com plete detail riving phone number A personal interview will be arranged Ohio Manager AMERICAN TECHNICAL SOCIETY 2 (Est 1898) 850 58th Street Chicago 37 Illinois MULTIWALL SALESMAN are fully integrated multi plant paper company currently In the very top bracket of multiwall bar manu facturers Our record of growth 1n the multlwal! field has consistently exceeded industry averages over the last decade We are looking for an outstanding salesman possessing the following char acteristics: Currently employed as a multiwall salesman A proven recon! of sale growth la the field An ability to develop Immediately substantial sales volume Age 38 45 To this man we offer a libera salary and bonus plan backed un by a gen erous group Insurance and pension fund and an excellent opportunity for both immediate and long range de velopment Box No 25553 Plain Dealer SALES REPRESENTATIVE PROCESSING DEPT bimb work: hrairlr rl awd Roikuta bomiUnu Awl to 4 AIRMONT OODS 310 17 Si YOUNG MAN Wilk ptltu? to Irani how rewrate and service inserting fririnc uri dupueartn ma htnea ia direct mail of retn rany 5 day week downtown Mok 13061 Plain Twaler ATTENTION cuinM7 ctOMi n4 to llrttor n4 IS mm toll er tort urn for wr nwl oera twm kimiin errr SJ40 tor raWI it 373 133 3tm 10 1 Sural7 toctodto SELL TO BUILDERS Ymm mu ith hiih Khanl 4Ira 4 441 toU on telwra Inirtr rirvwM: rm bbui(i ir eemmirawn blih tmuia QU Str Mu or Mr to 3 kN 3 4330 Help p4 mtnn ml Pir4r: II Mto hmi: tor Per weetora tomi 'lie 1445 30 to 4 Bnar Viu Nd mn 1a Iran rarrtclnx cf to uu 4ipminr toipeimL Mui tomrthni ii uxlln4 m1 torn Mrarreund: lrr: ''lr toi Dlpmrl Im 3441 33 Bi eii1 RiNGUt tobr liMwiriM mtn: to 0 to mid In Blurt" ern en pr miM: mut tote rtrtranrart tnnirj if IV 1 M33 ilTpmONf HR WKLt Mill" PlteMU 4307 utet BOOKKEEPER Monthly receipt and and dis bursem*nts Good references required Exrelhnt working conditions Slcknri and Hrapital company benefit CH 1 6835 BOOKKEEPER Up to general ledger Wholesale phono graph records Plrarant informal sur roundinn Call after 2 BENART DISTRIBUTING CO 32T rankfort MA 1 4541 Bookkeeper ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE exnerlreired NCR 3100 machine desirable day week Phone directors office WomansHosDltal 8W 1 2600 BOOKKEEPER CASHIER June graduate acceptable will train Interesting work in mortgage loan of fice 5 day week 6:30 to 4:30 Phone TO 3465 for appointment or apply direct 2726 Euclid room 304 Bookkeeper Assistant Accurst with figure accounts re ceivable and payable up to trial b1 nee Air conditioned office 4y week MI 1 2050 BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT AUTOMOTIVE Sales summary internal Jout nsl purchase joumah enod salary Apply by letter Box 5557 Plain Dreler BOOKKEEPER CASHlfR Iiuunnce: IU irln: pminni: downtown S1O Wllllanuon Bld CU totwwn 10 nd 1 BOOKKEEPER: or 'count prM and dlitrtbutkm morta: diallad Real tor litht IjRlnt iHlptoU plrain? aurroundtos downtown to rtRlT nperlmc a and aalarv raiur manta Box 33758 Plain Dclrr BOOKKEEPERS fnterestlnr TEMPORARY esrirunente to help supplement your family in rome HIGH HOURtY RATES AC i $B90 PR 1 4120 BOOKKEEPER Eatorimcrt on Rlraont ramdinra Bhakar Bquara Stott: dara SK 1 3401 BOOKKEEPER COMPETENT axperimcrtl Bl r4 woman: aonlhaat: aaiarp and bonur 3 rlrt oflltt Box 4083 Plain Dralr BOOKkhBPXR Blmo raptor Contrwr inr a oltic mu1 to tote: top aala' Th S'4ltrlor Lit Co 137 08 BOOKKEEPER full charaa: rarroU tax Cote talarr GA 1 3748 manofartortn plant: rraploY' ton Ilia COM rtartl aalarp da wx UT 1 7500 Mr lor appoint mmt aCCOLYT'anI' ar A te air: thcllmt orwrtinHr for capaN ratortmwi womm: irl offlca ai aid Mahar IterhU wim: mt ha wa car 31033 PU11 pesle AawxTAKtmuJlriM rp gtfr gfkTidre Accounting Clerk To work in hourly pay roll dept hindling group imursnee prn grom and related pay roll record) Chevrolet Cleveland hrorttora anmaf OR 1 9200 Esu 283 (CetlUral la hreiCeieienl i rnisron rusraaer mi TEMPORARY er Mrt lime wwt far tint practical low nrM man eth rore bMade ri ttoe 't'W1 hemes nf fires but a tr sm vnv 21 Halp Vi'tntid SalatmiB PART TIM fiiman Girt perlaeed tn operation cf fraphriype and Mhep 44retsograph equipment 5 diy week Apply LYON TAILORS 2320 Superior Ae ADMITI INd OICER Ml Sinai Hoaolll Hot 101 inirrritin rmamtlM rmitlon ineot tor oukllf eeaiaci: Itma kill re quir'd Mart to aw in Weik Aia Baar an maun ahiti Maia GOOD MONEY PLUS I If yu ar an ambitious hard worker between 25 and $5 snd have a earnd are looking for an enjoyable future that a gratifying fasclnitln and crea tive read on You can earn with a top ranking firm SlOono jllPOOO a year or more selling to boalnret firms Decent draw during wvak ln period No travel Writ giving background and reference Bos 21056 Plain Dealer MAKE $50 to $500 Pr salt ExclU rive territories to salesmen afi dis tributors NEW MIRACLE OUTDOOR LIGHTS swpra country Enonnou demand from gas sUti'Wii stores night spots drtve lns auto ateneie Written Money back GUARANTEE clinches Mira No tunnies No In vestment No lighting experience re quired LONG CO CNcasO 10111 Eatlbimhed ion Salesman err1enre ln office fur niture and rhool aratlng Must be able to follow Inst ructions and rrtt being remitantly trnahed Ex cellent references required Drawgainst liberal ccmmhrinn a Apply In pereon between 10 and 12 nr 2 IA 4 BintDH METAL PRODUCTS CO611 King Ave 3 tt retljorih of EL Clair Off 8 EXCEPTIONAL OPRiHfVNlTY One of fratest yrowin trac ery manufacturer need alert agrr ive salesman with immediate man ream potential BCary company ear expenses tneenfive Man nd other company benefit At 35 through8 Our people know nf thi 4 Send resume to Bow 5646 Plain Dealer CHILDREN (TTTiinf enrora bonnet and knit headwear Prominent manu facturer national distribution Bet ef fTftg wffl be rewarded handsomely i Un styled and pnred r'fht Karel lent opportunity Huh earning po tential Liberal eranmlaaion parable weakly Box $46 Rulaervtee 110 1 34th PL Yort Clty represent a fl ve by irowtnf Detroit tnaehtne repair eompany apadalitine In Thread 1 Crindrra terms and ron tarts Dog 24583 Plain teen CWhlnr experienced or trainee reiieni positkm sood salary 189 Plain Dealer Mile Initrecllon EAR Krering men? wotnenTci eve land Barber CoHerr 12 BuptVr i LIZ inAAiflnraT'iin 100 MEN OR $100 A WEEK Minimum Earning If You Qualify No Experience Necessary you ar neat honest ambitlo? average Intelligence between ages multimilllon dollar qualified applicant offering Policy Electricians Pipe itters I 5 I I i.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.